The Michael Toy

Poems and Other Programmes

Poetry for Physicists

Each one of us an atom,
the fundamental building blocks of humanity.
Dreading,desiring pressure and collision.
Hiding,giving away the exponential e
trapped inside our mc squared.

Maybe, mathematically more precisely
quantum strings looped on ourselves.
Vibrating in dimensions that can only be imagined.
Unknowable unless you somehow observe
and become entangled in our song.

Perhaps we perform like planets.
Held by a power beyond our control
perfectly balanced between
falling into the flames
and escaping into the endless dark.

Or is it as some theorists suggest,
that together we make galaxies.
Each of us a star, giving off heat and light.
Propelled by a velocity we inherited from creation,
racing towards nothing and away from everything.
A dark secret which we all whirl around,
a hungry singularity waiting
to draw us into whatever is next.

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