i am the lord almighty
i have seen all beginnings
when chaos erupted birthing matter and energy, i was there
when your galaxy began to spin, i was there
when the nuclear fires inside your sun were ignited, i was there
when the seas begin to fill with life, i was there
when the first creature breathed air, i was there
you are a drop of spit
some dirt
and a breath
so shut the fuck up and listen for a second
i am the lord, full of everlasting love
you do not belong to me
i have given you the same gift i have given to all that is
i am risking all that i will ever hope for to give it to you
i have given you to yourself
i am the lord, the bright morning star
i declare to you this truth
i long for you to receive your gift
i yearn for a birth, a spinning, a fire, a breathing
i ache for the unguessable beauty of us