The Michael Toy

Poems and Other Programmes

a clear and perfect light

we have no religion
we don't want yours
so keep your salvation to yourself

we make our own gods
gods we can trust
because they are made from us
from our own dirt they were formed
from our own side they were taken
we created them in our own image
we breathed life into them

tis this season to remember the miracle
which happened in a humble garage
so many years ago
a sign to the world funded by angels
and certified by three wise series "b" investors
the story of the miracle gives hope to us all

we only need to believe in the gods we created
the ones with an idea born in a garage
believe that they can change the world
if we will serve them
and offer them the blood sacrifice
of our lives
we've got the whole package
high priest and priestesses
temple and tribulation
icon and indulgence
broadband belief
and opulent opiate

to the chief musician
let this song be played on string-ed instruments
and sung in all the assemblies
sing hallelujah
let the silicon valley rejoice

we are a free people
we belong to no one
we are controlled by no myths
having left darkness behind us
we are weaving the fabric of a new reality

in a clear and perfect light

Path: class GeekPoetry(Poetry):